Workshop: Embodied Consent (Canadian Dance Assembly, online) – Artbridges

Workshop: Embodied Consent (Canadian Dance Assembly, online)

Workshop: Embodied Consent (Canadian Dance Assembly, online)

“This workshop is a practically focused, experiential dive into what it means to practice consent in the world of dance. Participants will be offered useful “maps” and visuals that bring clarity to commonly used but often vaguely defined terms such as boundaries, limits, and needs. The workshop will also provide an opportunity to practice developing one’s inner sense of consent through the body and a practical “toolkit” for creating consent-centric group dynamics and working agreements. These tools can be immediately integrated into a professional dance context. Presented by professional mediator, group facilitator, and somatic coach Kai Cheng Thom and conflict consultant and dance artist Pam Tzeng.

Accessibility: ASL and Live Auto Captioning
Thursday, August 18, 2022
3:00 PM – 5:00 PM EDT”

For more information, please visit:

-from Canadian Dance Assembly

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