Workshop: “The Art of Decolonization Workshop Series” (Toronto)

Workshop: “The Art of Decolonization Workshop Series” (Toronto)


Community Arts Ontario and OPIRG-Toronto present…

“The Art of Decolonization Workshop Series”

These participatory workshops will explore how Indigenous peoples express the experience of colonization across artistic disciplines; how art contributes to the maintenance/recovery of culture and language; the intersections of decolonization work for both racialized and indigenous communities; and how relationships within and among communities are built using artistic processes.

Dates: August 3, 10 and 17, 2010

August 3: Award-winning author Lee Maracle discusses resisting colonization through art and cultural reclamation.

August 10: Activist and writer Zainab Amadahy looks at how recovering, creating and sharing Indigenous women’s music contributes to indigenizing our ways of thinking as well as our relationships on Turtle Island (North America).

August 17: Amai Kuda—singer/songwriter and community activist—examines the importance of spirit and spirituality in the process of decolonizing, and the role of art as a primary vehicle for spirit’s expression.  Addressing the socio-political and personal, theoretical as well as practical, the workshop will probe the questions of ‘how do we listen to the voices of our ancestors?’  and ‘how are we the voices of ancestors?’

Time: 6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. each night

Location: University of Toronto – OISE (Room TBA)

Cost: $60 for series of 3; $25 for single session

Students and CAO members: 10% discount

For more information or to register call (416) 598 1128, email or visit

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