World Community Arts Day! (Feb 17, International)

World Community Arts Day! (Feb 17, International)


Be creative on the day, involve someone else, post it online. #WorldCommunityArtsDay

‘We can either react in fear or anger to the state of our world thus becoming part of the problem or respond creatively and become part of the solution.’

You are invited to be part of a global celebration on 17/02/19

All we ask is that during the month of February or on the day of the 17th to be creative.
Sing, dance, act, draw, paint, write, make, create.
Anything or any way you feel you or your group are artistic.
Big, small, full of craft and skill or a complete beginner.

All are welcome.

If you can mark your creativity by adding the following hashtag to your social media website like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc.


Our aim is to create a world festival for a day that promotes “Art as a catalyst for caring and sharing”.

-from World Community Arts Day

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