November 2015 – Artbridges

Archive for November, 2015

SHINE! Bursaries (Deadline Nov. 30, Toronto)

“SHINE bursary accepting applications until Nov 30th! Bursaries range from $500 – $2,000 “Bursaries are awarded annually to selected youth (aged 16 to 24) living in the GTA, who face financial barriers”, and who want to further their study or practice of roots (folk, blues, Irish, traditional) music. Award amounts

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Rencontre Régionale autour du Théâtre à Toronto

 “Bonjour à tous !! Vous êtes invités au 5 à 7 des Rencontres Régionales qui aura lieu dans le studio du TFT. C’est une rencontre artistique et amicale gratuite et ouverte à tous les amoureux de théâtre professionnel et amateur, membre ou non de Théâtre Action. Nous ferons sûrement de

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ArtBridging: Textile Museum of Canada and community-engaged arts!

Seanna Connell (Project Director, ArtBridges), Dr. Shauna McCabe (Executive Director, Textile Museum of Canada), Ruth Mandel (Ruth Mandel- WHO GIVES Fund, Sponsor) Recently, ArtBridges friend and supporter, Ruth Mandel, connected ArtBridges with the Textile Museum of Canada as they were launching an innovative creative program. The Textile Museum of Canada

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Profil à découvrir : Théâtre L’envol (Embrun, ON)

À mesure que notre répertoire de l’art communautaire prend de l’ampleur, nous réalisons qu’il devient un peu lourd de parcourir tous les profils… Nous avons donc pensé qu’en soulignant certains profils dans notre blogue, de temps à autre, nous vous permettrions de découvrir des projets que vous n’auriez pas encore vus. Merci de

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Creative Risk Taking – Training for Community-based Artists (Toronto)

“Pavla is a theatre artist and a facilitator with international experience in community-arts projects. She is passionate about using theatre-based methodology in training for professional growth. She focuses on reflective practice and Theatre of the Oppressed strategies to help people identify and navigate power hierarchy in professional relationship-building and communication.

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