“4Cs Foundation SEED grants fund new ideas and approaches in community arts
Responding to the expressed needs of the community, the 4Cs Foundation, Halifax’s only source of grants for community arts, announces a new grant for community arts activities. We are calling these new grants SEED grants as they provide funding to explore, to test ideas, to try new methods and to respond to emerging issues and opportunities within a community. In late 2016 the 4Cs Foundation held conversations with community arts organizations, artists, and others with an interest in community arts. The number one message we heard was there is a need for groups to be able to access small community arts grants to respond to opportunities and emerging ideas. We also heard there is an urgent need for people (especially POC) to be able to convene as a group to explore through arts-based activities issues of importance to them. We are responding to what we learned in those conversations with new grants to help meet these needs.
Groups, organizations and community artist leaders are eligible and invited to apply for a SEED grant. Two categories of funding make grants available for up to $3000.00. There are no deadlines for applying. Our process is agile and responsive, with a short turn around between applying and hearing back on your application. See the 4Cs Foundation website for detailed criteria and eligibility information. A staff person is available to assist applicants with their application.
The 4Cs Foundation continues to invest in community arts infrastructure and the next generation of community artists in Halifax by offering our SEED grants. Our SEED grants continue the 4Cs Foundation community arts capacity building work by funding the development of new ideas and approaches for community arts with artists, groups and organizations.
If you’d like more information about this topic, or to schedule an interview, please call Terri Whetstone, 4Cs Foundation Executive Director 902-422-4805.”
-submitted by 4Cs Foundation
Read 4Cs Foundation’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map