A Message from Sonya Young, ArtBridges’ Outreach Coordinator

A Message from Sonya Young, ArtBridges’ Outreach Coordinator

Photo credit: Photo by Merlin, Eglinton Hill Centre photo class member

Hi Everyone,

I’m sorry to say I will be leaving ArtBridges (after over three years in the position) to attend to school full time at George Brown College. I will be studying Activation Coordination/Gerontology. My interest in this area was spurred by teaching a photography class for active older adults at Eglinton Hill Centre, one of ArtBridges’ community partners. I plan to continue the class throughout my studies. I have enjoyed meeting and connecting with ArtBridges community partners on the phone and via Twitter. I always say “I’m going across Canada” when I retweet tweets from our community partners from Newfoundland to BC. I have really enjoyed helping people directly via ArtBridging by sharing resources and hopefully inspiring others. As a photographer and mixed media artist, I have enjoyed working with other artists and community members.

Please send ArtBridges outreach inquiries or any other questions to info@artbridges.ca

Sonya Young, Outreach Coordinator

Photo credit: Sonya Young

1 comment

  1. Kathy Smith 9 years ago 15 August 2016

    What incredible news! The program sounds exciting and satisfying. We offer photography workshops for older adults through our creative aging program in London Ontario. The classes are always full and our instructors enjoy working with participants – especially when they take discovery walks or organize themed exhibits to share their work. Can’t wait to see more of your creative photography. Sending best regards and good wishes.


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