Art City in St. Jamestown Spring Fundraiser (Toronto)

Art City in St. Jamestown Spring Fundraiser (Toronto)

ArtCity-Spring 2014 Fundraiser
“Please join us for our annual Spring Fundraiser. Buy a ticket and help support our
Summer art programs for children and youth in St. James Town.
All donations are appreciated and are tax deductible. Charitable registration # 86428-9962-RR0001

$1000 = Rent for one month
$500 = Bus and admission to the Toronto Zoo for 25 children
$300 = Acrylic paints and art supplies for one month of programming
$200 = 2 Day Guest Artist workshop
$100 = 25 sketchbooks and pencils
$50 = Snacks for one week

If you would like to be recognized as the food or wine sponsor for this event, please contact us at

Event Venue:
To order tickets online:
Or contact us directly at or by phone 416-944-0315″

-submitted by Art City in St. James Town
Read Art City in St. James Town profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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