Become a Member of ArtBridges! – Artbridges

Become a Member of ArtBridges!

Become a Member of ArtBridges!


As you know, ArtBridges is a hub and forum for connection for anyone interested in or active in community-engaged arts and arts for social change in Canada.

Membership fees help to support the work of ArtBridges all year!

As a Member, you will be a vital partner in ArtBridges’ important work by helping us to raise awareness, connect people to community-engaged art initiatives, gather and share resources, and highlight what’s going on in the practice and field.

The year has been an exciting one for ArtBridges! Some highlights were:

  • The ArtBridges team made about 100 site visits to see and learn about community-engaged arts & arts for social change initiatives in action – in Montreal, Vancouver, Toronto, Edmonton, and Calgary. We learned about how initiatives vary from city to city based on available resources, community needs & issues, and culture. There are so many different types of organizational models! Call us to learn more!
  • We created publications for our ‘Tips and Tools’ series as well as put together a new Directory of Networks and Services for community artists. We uploaded hundreds of resources and opportunities on ArtBridges Learning & Resources section.
  • We facilitated Google hangouts with groups of community partners to connect people working with/in Indigenous communities mainly in northern Ontario. We also hosted a bilingual hangout called: Inclusion and Social Change through Film and Video Production.
  • Staff compiled research for: State of the Art: A Report on Art for Social Change in Canada; as well as scanned the field for newsletters featuring: Community-Engaged Arts Opportunities for Seniors, Community Arts and Health, and Community Arts and the Environment.
  • We connected with over 325 (and growing!) community-engaged arts initiatives across Canada!
  • We worked hard to keep the information flowing on a daily basis about what’s going on in the field via and helped people with special requests – assisting with finding mentorship, connections, supplies, and resources all year!

Benefits of becoming a Member of ArtBridges:

  1. Subscription to Canadian Art magazine for one year.
  2. New! Have your website reviewed for accessibility, mobile responsiveness and clarity in a one-hour professional consultation.
  3. Recognition Awards: Members nominate their own community arts initiative, or another for ArtBridges’ Annual Recognition Awards based on remarkable innovation, resiliency, and creativity. Each of the three winning initiatives receive a donation of $250.
  4. Member Spotlight: Each community artist or community-engaged arts initiative will be featured on ArtBridges’ Canada-wide Community Blog.
  5. Members will receive consideration for a letter of support for their initiative from us.
  6. Members can take advantage of the Events and Classifieds sections of our website by having their announcements and opportunities featured at the top of the pages for up to 3 times a year.
  7. Members will be listed under Membership Recognition on the ArtBridges website.
  8. Receive a Membership card: become a card-carrying member!

Join our Membership today! Please fill out the Membership registration form online at Your membership fee will cover from now through to the end of 2017.

Thank you for believing in this work!


Tiffany Nyklickova & Seanna Connell
ArtBridges Membership Developer & Project Director

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