Input Needed & Knowledge Exchange

GeriActors Theatre during COVID-19

GeriActors Theatre shares with us how they’re handling changes to their day-to-day operations and finding ways to continue their work: “GeriActors Theatre in Edmonton, Alberta has postponed all rehearsals, workshops, and performances until further notice. Last Thursday (March 12) our performance company, the GeriActors & Friends had their last in-person rehearsal

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Sandi got in touch with us as she found a great idea on Facebook that we’d love to share. Thanks Sandi! “In Spain there is a movement #frommywindow (#desdemiventana) and all kids are encouraged to put all their arts and crafts in the windows so when they go out for a walk

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ArtBridges Update

Dear friends, community partners, and all of us active in community-engaged arts initiatives, We are living in interesting times. “Community-engaged arts” is all about community engagement, and yet we are all needing to practice social distancing and sometimes self-isolation, or quarantine, because of COVID-19. ArtBridges is getting numerous emails and

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Submit your ArtBridges award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 5th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. These awards will showcase remarkable work in community-engaged arts taking place in Canada. There are three categories:1) Innovation 2) Resiliency 3) Creativity  One award will be given in each category. Each award-winning initiative will receive a

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Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts lance un appel de candidatures pour la cinquième édition de ses Prix honorifiques annuels soulignant le travail remarquable de ses membres, des projets ou organismes d’art communautaires œuvrant au Canada. Il y a trois catégories, pour chacune desquelles un prix sera remis :1) Innovation2) Résilience3) Créativité Chaque organisme ou projet gagnant recevra un certificat ainsi

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Submit your ArtBridges award nomination!

ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 5th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. These awards will showcase remarkable work in community-engaged arts taking place in Canada. There are three categories:1) Innovation 2) Resiliency 3) Creativity  One award will be given in each category. Each award-winning initiative will receive a

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Input Needed: National Survey of the Canadian Cultural Sector Labour Force / L’étude nationale sur la main-d’œuvre canadienne de la culture

“The Cultural Human Resources Council (CHRC) and The Conference Board of Canada (CBoC) are pleased to announce the launch of a NATIONAL SURVEY of the Canadian cultural sector labour force – the first of its kind since 2010 and the only current national research on the sector’s employers and workers.

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