Input Needed & Knowledge Exchange

Call for Expressions of Interest: Inkling Incubator (Red Dress Productions)

“The Inkling Incubator is a Red Dress Productions (RDP) interdisciplinary research project that will convene a diverse working group of Deaf, disabled, hearing, and enabled artists for two five-day intensive, arts-based research workshops. What arises when Deaf, disabled, hearing, and enabled artists collaborate at the ‘inkling’ phase of a creative

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Motivation Room: for community organizations, youth artists, grassroots leaders and entrepreneurs to come and get motivated to start working on any areas of artistic or community led practices they wish! (Toronto)

“The Motivation Room is a bi-weekly 3 hour session where ArtReach–SKETCH–CUE, in partnership with various community organizations, invite youth artists (13-29), grassroots leaders and entrepreneurs to come through and get motivated to start working on whatever areas of their artistic or community led practice they wish. The Motivation Room will be

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Call for participation: MakingItWork Survey (WorkInCulture)

  “WorkInCulture, working with Nordicity, has introduced the MakingItWork Survey – an in-depth look at the experiences of cultural workers, artists, and organizations in Ontario’s arts, culture, heritage and library sectors. With MakingItWork, WorkInCulture is trying to get to the heart of what’s it’s really like to work in this sector. Whether you’re an

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Submit your award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

(Vous trouverez le message en français à la suite) ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 4th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. These awards will showcase remarkable work in community-engaged arts taking place in Canada. There are three categories: 1) Innovation  2) Resiliency  3) Creativity One award

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Submit your award nomination! / Soumettez votre candidature pour les prix honorifiques!

(Vous trouverez le message en français à la suite) ArtBridges/ToileDesArts is now collecting nominations for the 4th Annual Recognition Awards for community-engaged arts initiatives, community partners and ArtBridges’ Member initiatives. These awards will showcase remarkable work in community-engaged arts taking place in Canada. There are three categories: 1) Innovation  2) Resiliency  3) Creativity One award

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Join the Mentor Database for Toronto Arts Council’s Newcomer & Refugee Artist Mentorship Program

“Toronto Arts Council’s Newcomer and Refugee Artist Mentorship Program is seeking Toronto-based professional artists to join its mentor database. This program provides funding for newcomer and refugee professional artists to work with a Toronto-based arts mentor. Why should you join? The program supports the integration and inclusion of newcomer and

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Art Supplies Donations

Here at ArtBridges/ToileDesArts, we sometimes receive art donation inquiries from the public. While we do not accept art supplies donations directly, we can however help facilitate connections between individuals with art supplies donations and community arts initiatives by providing individuals with information about initiatives located near them. If you are

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Annoncez vos offres d’emploi, de placement étudiant, de stage ou de bénévolat en art communautaire sur la ToileDesArts!

Vous cherchez des employés, des collaborateurs, des stagiaires étudiants, des bénévoles? Faites-le savoir sur la ToileDesArts! Nous rejoignons beaucoup de monde dans le milieu de l’art communautaire, partout au Canada! Pour diffuser vos offres d’emploi et autres dans le réseau de la ToileDesArts, et en particulier dans nos petites annonces

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Post your community arts initiatives’ opportunities for jobs, student placements, internships, or volunteer positions with ArtBridges!

Do you have job opportunities, student placements or volunteer opportunities? Send them to ArtBridges! We have wide readership with people in the community arts field from all across Canada! If you’d like us to circulate your opportunity through the ArtBridges network & in our growing Classifieds section, email us at with

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