Documenting Engagement: A series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on community-engaged arts projects | Featured Resource – Artbridges

Documenting Engagement: A series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on community-engaged arts projects | Featured Resource

Documenting Engagement: A series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on community-engaged arts projects | Featured Resource

In 2004, a group of artists gathered together in a community arts summit. Documenting Engagement  is a series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on their community-engaged arts projects. The videos feature a range of artists and art forms from theatre to mosaic. They also cover a range of themes from reparations to the moon festival to making something from nothing.

The compilation includes: Something from Nothing (Cathy Stubington), 1001 Cups of Tea (Pat Beaton), Letter to Skidegate (Karen Jamieson and Tanya Rae Collinson), Those Dreaded Dichotomies (Ruth Howard), Voices in Stone (Glen Anderson), Moon Festival (Carmen Rosen), Reparative Culture (Edith Regier), Public Dreamer / 22 years in 7 minutes (Paula Jardine).

These videos will be of interest to any community artists who are interested in arts and engagement, and may also provide inspiration for program and project ideas.

The videos are also available as a DVD or VHS compilation from Pacific Cinémathèque. To order a hard copy, please visit or call 604.688.8202

-Skye Louis, ArtBridges Resource Developer
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