DREAM BIG Northern Conference for the Arts, May 27-30 (North Bay) – Artbridges

DREAM BIG Northern Conference for the Arts, May 27-30 (North Bay)

DREAM BIG Northern Conference for the Arts, May 27-30 (North Bay)


ArtBridges is pleased to announce that we have been invited to partner with North Bay’s White Water Gallery for the first ever Dream Big Conference! This northern conference for the arts will take place May 27th to 30th in North Bay, Ontario.

From White Water Gallery: “The Gallery has chosen ‘Dream Big’ as the conference title and philosophy for the project as our way of promoting enthusiasm within the current funding climate. The subtext of ‘Dream Big’ is both a statement of our times and a proactive call to never give up on our future. In response to the ever-changing conditions in which municipalities, not-for-profits and artists from all disciplines face we say: Don’t be discouraged. Don’t give up. Don’t be ashamed to DREAM BIG.

This conference is going to celebrate our regional achievements but also evaluate our current status. Its important that we are critical of ourselves and of each other to ensure that we get to core of issues and make effective plans for moving forward in our communities. One preemptive step that is being taken is acknowledging the reality of partnerships across a landmass as large as Ontario and finding ways of making that work. Our organizations currently do not do enough of this and through this conference we hope to change that. Partnerships begin in small ways and grow into bigger and better things.”


Currently in the development stage, Dream Big is currently seeking organizations interested in joining the Organizational Contribution Committee. The committee will focus on collecting resources and delegating tasks for the organization of the conference. If your organization is interested in identifying publicly as part of the Committee, please email info@whitewatergallery.com with your contact info and a statement of interest.

Design a button! Dream Big needs 4 organizations willing to donate time and money to create 4 unique buttons for the conference. These buttons will act as the conference ‘day passes,’ with a different design for each day of the conference (Wednesday, Thursday, Friday and Saturday). The Thunder Bay Art Gallery has committed to creating the button for Friday. For more info, click HERE.

Conference survival kits! Dream Big is looking for several organizations to create unique conference swag, such as pens, pencils, T-shirts and other functional items (please note, 500 items will be needed). These tokens will be included in tote bags designed by Dave Nighbor and Jade Doyle of 9 Lives Design and will be gifted to conference attendees. For more info, click HERE.

Early bird registration for the VIP Full Conference Pass is available now until February 28th. The VIP Full Conference Pass gets you into all conference events, including concerts, performances, exhibitions and parties. Visit the Eventbrite page or contact info@whitewatergallery.com for tickets.

For up-to-date conference news, visit the Dream Big website or Facebook page.

White Water Gallery would like to acknowledge the support of the Ontario Trillium Foundation, as well as the Ontario Arts Council and the Canada Council for the Arts.

This project is conducted in partnership with: A Place for the Arts, Capitol Centre, CARFAC Ontario, Magnus Theatre, Myths and Mirrors Community Arts, Thinking Rock Community Arts, Timmins Museum: National Exhibition Centre, Thunder Bay Art Gallery, Town of Huntsville, WKP Kennedy Gallery, Zakide Aboriginal Artist-Run, ArtBridges, as well as through the collaboration and guidance of Aanmitaagzi and Jumblies Theatre.

– Cora-Rae Silk, Indigenous Community Arts Coordinator & Communications Assistant
Posted with permission from Clayton Windatt, White Water Gallery

Read White Water Gallery’s profile in our Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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