Dream Big: Presenters Announced & Early Bird Registration Extended to March 15 – Artbridges

Dream Big: Presenters Announced & Early Bird Registration Extended to March 15

Dream Big: Presenters Announced & Early Bird Registration Extended to March 15


“The White Water Gallery and the Dream Big conference would like to announce our first group of conference presenters!

These include: Cora-Rae Silk, Seanna Connell, Maggie Flynn, Robin Sutherland, Miranda Bouchard, Patrice James, Dayna Danger, Nathan Jensen, Lora Northway, Jamie McKenzie-Naish, Kristi Lane Sinclair, Cris Derksen, Maurice Switzer, Marc Losier, Friederike Landau, Kristian Clarke, Sarah King Gold, Nadia Kurd, Christian Chapman, Teri Souter, Rod Carley, Dee Adrian, Emily Trottier and Jules A. Koostachin.

Keynotes by charles c. smith, Paul Walty, Kent Monkman and Ms. Lee Maracle.

As an added bonus we are also extending the Early Bird Deadline until March 15th, to give everyone a chance to register at this discounted rate. We are very proud to have secured these panelists, workshop facilitators and keynote presenters and will be announcing the final list of activities and participants in late March.

For registration and information on presenters please visit our website: www.dreambignorth.com

Posted with permission from Lesley Lane, White Water Gallery
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