Frequently Asked Questions
Don’t see your question here? Contact us
Look on the Map and Profile Directory to find a free/affordable/accessible community arts program in your area. If you can’t find one, it doesn’t mean that there isn’t one, it just may be that we don’t know about it yet; we try to learn more each day.
You can browse our site, search by keyword, filter search results or view our sitemap.
A – Browse: If you just want to take a look around, you can browse through everything.
B – Search By Keyword: You can search by entering keywords into the searchbox, just like searching the internet.
If your search still doesn’t return any results:
– Try using a more general term. For example, instead of ‘guitar’, try ‘music’.
– Try a wildcard search. Using the * wildcard character to replace the last part of the word. I.e.: Instead of “artist”, try art*; instead of “communities”, try “communit*”.
C – Filter Your Results
You can sort and filter your search results so that they are organized in different ways.
Tip: Looking for French language resources only? Click on the language button.
D – Look through our Site Map
Material contributed to this site is posted in the language(s) in which it was submitted. Many people with a wide variety of writing styles and dialects contribute to the content of the site. The ‘static’ content of the website (the content that doesn’t change) has been translated. Occasionally, our updates and reflections are translated.
Contributing to and interacting on the website is free of charge. However, for a small fee, ArtBridges will feature your community arts event or classifieds prominently at the top of these pages.
We also have membership fees, if you would like to become a founding member of ArtBridges. You don’t have to be a member to contribute and participate online.
No, ArtBridges does not fund projects or initiatives.
Over the past few years ArtBridges has found people uniquely qualified in each area of project development that we are working on, based on their experience or background, education, talents, language, or professional expertise. We’ve had staff, students, volunteers, consultants, advisors and mentors ranging in age from 21 to 72. Please see the ArtBridges Team page to read some of the bios.
ArtBridges works behind the scenes to network and connect people. If someone calls in or writes us with a specific question, issue or need, we try to connect them with people who have knowledge or experience to answer the question or meet the need – usually another community–engaged arts initiative.
Several different sets of people write for this website.
1. Community-engaged arts initiatives that have joined our network submit content for us to post on the Community Blog, Profile Directory or any other section of this site. (ArtBridges reserves the right to approve or refuse any content submitted to the ArtBridges/ToileDesArts website and social media.) If you’d like to post something, reach us!
2. Staff/consultants write commentary, updates and reflections. Staff members post about arts-related things but we ask for permission before we do.
3. Anyone who is interested and would like to participate can comment and post on our Community Blog, Facebook page, or send us a tweet @artbridges.
‘ArtBridging’ is a verb we “invented” to describe what we do. ArtBridging is
creating networks and collaborations between community arts projects / programs / organizations / resources with the outcome being positive benefits to communities.
ArtBridges seeks to connect (bridge) people and initiatives with under-resourced or under-serviced communities through the arts. In this reciprocal “bridging”, connections can be made that foster more creative and resilient communities.
‘ArtBridges’ can be both a noun and a verb. We are working to build bridges between communities and we see that art does indeed bridge communities.
You can get connected to over 375 arts groups through the ArtBridges Map and Profile Directory
Community arts, social purpose arts, arts for social change, and community-engaged arts are an evolving and growing practice. We offer a kaleidescope of perspectives on this here.
We invite you to fill out our Profile Form online or or fill out our pdf version.
From 2009-11, ArtBridges/ToileDesArts’ staff and volunteers took 3 virtual road trips, (via the telephone) one in English, one in French and one focusing on FNMI (First Nations, Metis and Inuit) community-engaged arts initiatives across Canada.
Using an extensive research list, we phoned numerous sources to help us identify community-engaged arts and arts for social change initiatives—projects, programs, organizations and resources—that work in under-resourced and/or under-served communities across Canada. Since then, we have learned (and continue to learn) about many more community-engaged arts initiatives. You can learn more about our research by reading our Provincial Stories.
ArtBridges may increase filter selections for special interest groups over time based on demand.
Send us material in an email. We’ll set up the post and schedule it for posting. (ArtBridges reserves the right to approve or refuse any content submitted to the ArtBridges/ToileDesArts website and social media).
Your community arts initiative can become a community partner with ArtBridges by first filling out a Profile Form, Then we’ll add your arts initiative to our Profile Directory and Map. Your Profile allows others to find you and learn about your initiative.
ArtBridges will follow up (by phone or email) to learn more and make a connection. Then we’ll invite you to send us ongoing information for the ArtBridges’ Community Blog, about events, workshops, program highlights (etc.), as well as contributions for Events, Classifieds and the Learning & Resources sections.
This free service is for every person, organization, initiative or community interested in, involved with or committed to community-engaged arts and arts for social change.
You can find upcoming educational and professional development opportunities for community artists across Canada in our Learning Opportunities section. The short-term opportunities section, includes workshops, conferences, artist talks and more. The long-term opportunities section includes courses, ongoing training programs, academic studies and certificate programs.
Yes. Browse our Resources section and look under: Policies & Procedures. You can also search or browse for community arts toolkits, templates, reflections and stories, best practices, and more.
Email the ArtBridges’ office, and we’ll see if we can match you with someone who can help. Browse through our Learning & Resources section under Getting Started and other resources you might need to become familiar with start a community-engaged arts initiative.
ArtBridges is a charity funded by a small handful foundations and individuals. Fundraising is a ongoing activity. In 2013, we launched our Sponsorship and Membership Programs to create new sources of funding. Our goal is to create long-term sustainability for ArtBridges. We also accept special assignments for ‘fees for service’. Contact us to learn more.
Do we ever! We rely on donations to provide this service & resource, and to pay the rent and other operating expenses. Thanks for considering a gift for this important work!
Yes! Please look at our Sponsorship page.
Absolutely! We welcome your email