Halifax’s First Earth Loom & the 4Cs Foundation Art Bikers – Artbridges

Halifax’s First Earth Loom & the 4Cs Foundation Art Bikers

Halifax’s First Earth Loom & the 4Cs Foundation Art Bikers

“Have been you wondering what the 4Cs Foundation Art Bikers have been up to this summer? Watch the video above for a recent example!

Yesterday the Art Bikers with youth and Farm participants built and installed an large Earth Loom. (This project was inspired by the EarthLoom Foundation in Belfast, Maine, USA. )

The loom is permanently installed at the Common Roots Urban Farm. We are so excited to have built Halifax’s first Earth Loom and invite you & your family to the Children’s Garden to weave on the loom.”

Video Credit: Geoff Davies
-submitted by Terri Whetstone, Executive Director, 4Cs Foundation

Read 4Cs Foundation’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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