“Are you new to the world of theatre? Just graduated? Feeling a little lost? Or have you worked in the industry for years and are looking to share and hear common experiences? Every year, we hold a series of panels, workshops and discussions. Next on the docket, we are hosting a round table discussion all about, “Making a Living in Theatre.”
We have brought together professionals who not only work in the theatre industry, but who have found success in their respective fields. In the round-table, you will sit among professionals and newbies alike and discuss the theatre industry. You will have opportunities to ask your own questions and have them answered by people who have experienced exactly what you are working towards, all while sharing a common love of theatre.
Please email production[at]sarasvati.ca to RSVP your spot! Tickets are not required but space is limited. Entry to the discussion is based on a “Pay-What-You-Choose” donation upon arrival at the event. The discussion will take place in room 2T05 on the second floor of the Asper Centre for Theatre and Film.”
-from Sarasvàti Productions
Read Sarasvàti Productions’ profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map