‘Mental Health’ Artist Roundtable (Artists’ Health Alliance, Jul 26) – Artbridges

‘Mental Health’ Artist Roundtable (Artists’ Health Alliance, Jul 26)

‘Mental Health’ Artist Roundtable (Artists’ Health Alliance, Jul 26)

MENTAL HEALTH Artist Roundtable
JULY 26, 2018
Explore the intersections of mental health and the arts in this roundtable with the artists and curator of MENTAL HEALTH and Artists’ Health Alliance. This is an invitation to hear from emerging queer, feminist, BIPOC artists with lived experience of mental health and mental illness.

Light snacks and drinks will be provided.

This event abides by the Artists’ Health Alliance Accessibility Policy. If you could benefit from additional support, please let us know and we will do our best to create a responsive learning environment.

Drop-ins welcome. Registration recommended. To register, email admin@artistshealth.com or call 416-351-0239 with your name, the event name, number of people coming and accessibility needs, if applicable.

MENTAL HEALTH is an arts exhibit that brings together new works by four emerging artists working in tkaronto/Toronto who take up issues related to mental health in their art practices. Through installation, sculpture, video, performance, and flash art, these artists reflect on what “mental health” means in relation to their own lived experiences. Often using humour, performativity, and play, the artists shake up the discourses and institutions of “mental health” and trouble the binary dividing mental health and mental illness through feminist, queer, non-binary, and BIPOC frameworks. The works in this exhibition are as material as they are conceptual, and engender new perspective on the place of mental health in contemporary art. At once tongue in cheek and sincere, MENTAL HEALTH makes space for a nuanced consideration of the intersections between life as a millennial artist and this often all-consuming thing called “mental health.”

MENTAL HEALTH is part of the “In Space” curatorial events organized by The White House, a thematic series of five exhibitions focusing on the experiences of disenfranchised peoples within social, political and physical spaces. “In Space” is conceived of by Sandra J. Manilla and co-produced with Nathaniel Addison, Stephanie Avery, and Leone McComas. MENTAL HEALTH is generously sponsored by Toronto Arts Council and the Ontario Arts Council.

For more on the exhibition, visit the facebook page.”

-from Artists’ Health Alliance website
Read Artists’ Health Alliance’s profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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