Re-Opening: All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz Re-Opens in September (Regina) – Artbridges

Re-Opening: All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz Re-Opens in September (Regina)

Re-Opening: All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz Re-Opens in September (Regina)



ArtBridges is thrilled to announce that Regina’s All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz will be resuming operations this coming September after closing their doors earlier this year when their federal funding was cut. With funds from the City of Regina’s Aboriginal Community Grant Program and the Province of Saskatchewan’s Community Initiatives Fund, ANHTA will be able to reinstate their Multi-Media Artz After School Program for the 2012/13 school year.

Throughout the school year, First Nations, Metis and non-Aboriginal youth from Regina’s high-risk neighbourhoods will attend hiphop dance and film-making classes every evening for two weeks of each month. Participants will also receive a meal and have a variety of life skills programs available to them, including suicide prevention, anger management, healthy relationship-building, addictions counselling and First Nations cultural teachings. At the end of the school year, ANHTA will produce a year-end performance show celebrating what the youth have accomplished over the past 8 months.

Monica Fogel, GM of Artistic Programming at ANHTA says:

“The more after school programming made available to the youth, the better off the community will be. Just watching the current events unfolding in North-Central Regina its obvious that there is a disconnect between our young people and their sense of belonging in the community.

All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz acts as a platform to advocate the hidden issues some youth/young adults face within their inner-city communities.

ANHTA aims to promote change and influence opinions, thoughts, direction and general ignorance towards a better awareness and understanding by giving a voice to the otherwise voiceless, a face to the faceless; and an opportunity to change perceptions.

Volunteer opportunities are available to participate in and support ANHTA programs and projects. Partnership opportunities are encouraged with organizations, institutions and groups.

We are always grateful to any financial support that we receive through private and corporate donations.

With the generosity of outside assistance ANHTA will be able to keep the doors open and provide free artistic workshops as well as life skills that empower the youth to tell their stories in their own voices, build skills, develop confidence, pride and self-esteem, achieve success and participate in their community.

It takes a village to raise a child.”

This year, registration takes place Monday, September 10th from 3-6pm at Healing Hearts Ministries, 766 Angus Street (corner of Angus and 3rd Avenue).

Visit for more info or click here to see ArtBridges’ previous posts about All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz.

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for contact information.

Written by Cora-Rae Silk
Indigenous Community Arts Coordinator & Communications Assistant
ArtBridges / ToileDesArts

Posted with permission from Monica Fogel
GM of Artistic Programming
All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz



ANHTA4All photos courtesy of All Nations Healin’ Thru Artz

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