Accessible cultural hub for arts: The Convergence Campaign (Manifesto and The Remix Project, Toronto) – Artbridges

Accessible cultural hub for arts: The Convergence Campaign (Manifesto and The Remix Project, Toronto)

Accessible cultural hub for arts: The Convergence Campaign (Manifesto and The Remix Project, Toronto)

“This is a special moment in Toronto’s music, arts and culture history. Fast-approaching 10 years of serving Toronto through their innovative mix of talent incubation, youth engagement and cultural programming – two of the city’s youth arts and culture heavyweights are finally coming together to realize a grand vision for the future of Toronto arts and culture.

The Remix Project and Manifesto are excited to announce the Convergence Campaign, which will create a dynamic new permanent home for both organizations and an accessible cultural hub for artists, arts administrators and organizations from across the city.”

convergence campaign

To view the video and learn more about the project :

“Through the Convergence Campaign, The Remix Project and Manifesto’s combined creativity and drive will supercharge Toronto’s cultural sector, and safeguard the sustainability of these two vital organizations for years to come. To learn more about how Toronto can support the Convergence Campaign to create a new centre of gravity for youth, arts and culture, please contact:

Che Kothari,,
Drex Jancar,

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