Update: News from LEVIER (Montréal) – Artbridges

Update: News from LEVIER (Montréal)

Update: News from LEVIER (Montréal)



As September rolls in, and before the first of the three post-book launch events, we want to inform you about the transition underway towards LEVIER’s upcoming closure in June 2012.

Effective immediately, LEVIER will not be taking on any new projects. Furthermore, while LEVIER is committed to upholding current commitments (including hosting the upcoming post-book launch events as planned), how exactly this will be done exactly is still under mediation.

During this transition period each of us will be independently exploring how best to continue our own individual engagement with community and activist art.

For all LEVIER communication from now on, please email BOTH of us as follows:
Devora Neumark: devora@engrenagenoir.ca
Johanne Chagnon: levier@engrenagenoir.ca

To communicate with Devora, please use the following email address: fireside@progression.net
To communicate with Johanne, please use the following email address: arreterletemps@mac.com

We will keep you informed as the situation becomes clearer. In the meantime, we look forward to seeing you at the upcoming events beginning with Petra Kuppers and Neil Marcus this weekend, followed by the workshops with Goia in October and Judy Ringer in November.

With many thanks for your interest in LEVIER over the past 10 years. Note that even if there will not be no new projects undertaken under the LEVIER name, we are committed to following through, each in our own ways, on what LEVIER — in collaboration with you and many others — has accomplished.

Devora and Johanne”

– posted with permission from Devora Neumark, Engrenage Noir / LEVIER

Read our profile/mini-profile on Engrenage Noir / LEVIER.
Please visit ArtBridges’ Google Map for more contact information.

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