November 2013 – Artbridges

Archive for November, 2013

Documenting Engagement: A series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on community-engaged arts projects | Featured Resource

In 2004, a group of artists gathered together in a community arts summit. Documenting Engagement  is a series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on their community-engaged arts projects. The videos feature a range of artists and art forms from theatre to mosaic. They also cover a range of themes from

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Workshop: “Learn to use the arts in collaboration with peace circles to build skills in resiliency, conflict resolution and self awareness” (Nov. 26, Toronto)

“ARTS EDUCATORS INSTITUTE Workshops for Emerging Artists Working In Education Facilitated by: Damian Brown Circle Keeping – Peace Circle Training Delivered by Peacebuilders International (Canada) Tuesday, November 26, 2013 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Studio 408 (4th Floor) 401 Richmond Street West Learn to use the arts in collaboration with

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La troisième édition de Fin novembre s’en vient: À dormir dehors! (21-24 novembre, ATSA, Montréal)

“Du 21 au 24 novembre 2013, ATSA vous convie à la troisième édition de FIN NOVEMBRE sur la place Émilie-Gamelin du Quartier des spectacles à Montréal.  Les inscriptions pour les bénévoles ont débuté! À vous de choisir votre plage horaire selon la tâche qui vous intéresse! FIN NOVEMBRE est un évènement de création interdisciplinaire de l’ATSA axé

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