ArtBridges is a hub and forum for connection for anyone interested in or active in community-engaged arts and arts for social change in Canada. And this year, because of COVID-19, more than ever, connection and community-engagement matters.
In recent months, we have seen an explosion of arts activities that community-engaged arts initiatives are providing for their communities across Canada. We post and circulate these ideas on the ArtBridges platform.
Your Membership support will help ArtBridges continue to gather and share about innovative community-engaged arts activities that people can safely do from home and online, and about how initiatives are adapting their programs to be able to operate safely during the pandemic.
The benefits to communities include:
- Sustained connections, fostering of community, and participation with community arts programs
- Improved health and wellness, and reduced feelings of social isolation
- Lifting of spirits – through art making – and enjoying people’s art (music, visual arts, theatre, poetry, spoken word, dance, etc…)
- Digital access and participation in new projects & programs, educational workshops and opportunities that previously may not have been accessible because they were only offered in person at a fixed location.
Membership fees help support the work of ArtBridges all year!
As a Member you will be a vital partner in ArtBridges’ important work by helping us to raise awareness, connect people to community-engaged art initiatives, gather and share resources, and highlight what’s going on in the practice and field.
ArtBridges’ Highlights of 2020:
- For almost two years now, ArtBridges has been operating as a new charitable organization, not-for-profit, and registered National Arts Service Organization (NASO). (ArtBridges was previously a project of Tides Canada for 10 years.) Like numerous arts organizations across Canada, ArtBridges has navigated through the challenges of working through the pandemic and adapted to new ways of working to continue to be relevant, viable and sustainable. It has not been easy, and we feel for the organizations which have gone into hibernation, or had to close.
- We have worked hard to keep the information flowing about what’s going on in the field via artbridges.ca, with blog posts, Facebook & Twitter, Learning and Resources, and helped people with special requests—assisting with finding mentorship, connections, supplies, and resources, and writing letters of support, all year. This year we focused on how many in the community-engaged arts field pivoted their programming as a result of the pandemic. We also focused on new BIPOC-led projects, programs and opportunities.
- We connected with over 390 (and growing!) community-engaged arts initiatives across Canada. (Learn more about these amazing initiatives from coast to coast to coast on the Map and Profile Directory and update your initiative’s organization profile any time.)
- ArtBridges recently held its call for nominations for its 6thth Annual Recognition Awards for Remarkable Community-Engaged Arts! Categories are Remarkable Creativity, Remarkable Resiliency and Remarkable Innovation. The awards are sponsored by the Ruth Mandel – WHO GIVES Fund and are pending.
As an ArtBridges Member, you or your arts initiative can:
- Have your website reviewed for accessibility, mobile responsiveness, and clarity in a one-hour professional consultation.
- Recognition Awards: Nominate your own community arts initiative, or another for ArtBridges’ Annual Recognition Awards based on remarkable innovation, resiliency, and creativity. Each of the three winning initiatives receive a donation of $300.
- Member Spotlight: Have your community-engaged arts initiative featured on ArtBridges’ Canada-wide Community Blog
- Receive consideration for a letter of support for your initiative from us.
- Be listed under Membership Recognition on the ArtBridges website.
- Receive a Membership card: become a card-carrying member!
Join our Membership today! Please fill out the Membership registration form included or find it online at artbridges.ca. Your membership fee will cover from now through to the end of 2021.
Thank you for believing in this work!
Tiffany Nyklickova
Membership Developer
& Seanna Connell