Archive for septembre, 2010

Knowledge Exchange: Sustainable Thinking and Expression on Public Space (STEPS) Initiative [Canada-wide]

« Since 2009, the Sustainable Thinking and Expression on Public Space (STEPS) Initiative has been promoting sustainable and community-centred public spaces. We promote knowledge exchange and collaboration between individuals and collectives who use art to re-define public space, especially in urban environments (Public Space ARTivism).  » (from Who we are page)

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Education: « Certificate in Community-Based Arts Practice the first of its kind east of Montreal » (Halifax)

« New NSCAD program promotes art as a tool for community development and education Certificate in Community-Based Arts Practice the first of its kind east of Montreal (Halifax, September 2, 2010) NSCAD University’s School of Extended Studies is launching a new professional development program designed to train leaders in developing, managing

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