Archive for janvier, 2012

Update: Sommaire de la recherche pour les arts communautaires francophones au Nouvelle-Écosse / Summary of research for Francophone community arts in Nova Scotia

Above photo courtesy of pinzino, stock.xchng Sommaire de la recherche sur les arts communautaires en Nouvelle-Écosse le 13 janvier, 2012 Presqu’encerclé par l’océan Atlantique, la Nouvelle-Écosse loge les douces baies tout comme les falaises impressionantes. Le beau paysage est une source d’inspiration pour plusieurs artistes, mais pour quelques autres, ce

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Upcoming: Jumblies & Making Room Community Arts Seminar with Noah Kenneally, Jan. 19 (Toronto)

First JUMBLIES SEMINAR of 2012 co-hosted by Making Room Community Arts « Special Guest: Noah Kenneally presenting his work in Nunavik. Location: Parc Activity Recreation Centre, 1499 Queen Street West Date: Thursday January 19th Agenda: 6:30: meet, greet, refreshments, 7:00: presentation, 8:00: questions, discussion, mingling, 9:00 end. Cost: PWYC donations gratefully

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Happy New Year! Bonne Année!

Photo courtesy of Kinsey @ Stock.Xchng Happy New Year! Bonne Année! Back at the office, and staff are trickling back in, coming in from Virginia, Markham, New York and Toronto. Some are refreshed, while some worked right through the holidays and could use a break. Coffee’s on, fingers dance across

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