février 2013 – Page 2 – Artbridges

Archive for février, 2013

Public Art Potluck: STEPS Initiative (Feb 28, Toronto)

« Eat, Meet and Slide! » Come share food and ideas with other public artists! « This event is hosted by the STEPS Initiative – we use art to connect people to public spaces! Please send us up to 3 images of your work that you can informally speak to and bring something edible to share,

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Festival: LunarFest (Feb 15-17, Vancouver)

« CIBC LunarFest showcases multi-disciplinary artistic expressions; in addition to visual installation, programs in 2013 include Lunar New Year performances, workshops, traditional New Year’s games and culinary treats. This free festival runs from Friday, February 15 to Sunday, February 17 2013 in Vancouver. CIBC LunarFest is produced by Asian-Canadian Special Events Association. For

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Les RIDM ont besoin de votre aide pour financer leur programme Jeunes publics en 2013 / The RIDM needs your help to fund its youth program in 2013 (Montreal)

Les RIDM ont besoin de votre aide pour financer leur programme Jeunes publics en 2013! / The RIDM needs your help to fund its youth program in 2013! « Vous avez aimé votre expérience aux dernières Rencontres internationales du documentaire de Montréal? Donnez maintenant la chance à des jeunes d’eux aussi découvrir

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