novembre 2013 – Artbridges

Archive for novembre, 2013

Documenting Engagement: A series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on community-engaged arts projects | Featured Resource

In 2004, a group of artists gathered together in a community arts summit. Documenting Engagement  is a series of videos that documents, celebrates and reflects on their community-engaged arts projects. The videos feature a range of artists and art forms from theatre to mosaic. They also cover a range of themes from

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Workshop: « Learn to use the arts in collaboration with peace circles to build skills in resiliency, conflict resolution and self awareness » (Nov. 26, Toronto)

« ARTS EDUCATORS INSTITUTE Workshops for Emerging Artists Working In Education Facilitated by: Damian Brown Circle Keeping – Peace Circle Training Delivered by Peacebuilders International (Canada) Tuesday, November 26, 2013 from 6:00 – 8:00 p.m. Studio 408 (4th Floor) 401 Richmond Street West Learn to use the arts in collaboration with

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La troisième édition de Fin novembre s’en vient: À dormir dehors! (21-24 novembre, ATSA, Montréal)

« Du 21 au 24 novembre 2013, ATSA vous convie à la troisième édition de FIN NOVEMBRE sur la place Émilie-Gamelin du Quartier des spectacles à Montréal.  Les inscriptions pour les bénévoles ont débuté! À vous de choisir votre plage horaire selon la tâche qui vous intéresse! FIN NOVEMBRE est un évènement de création interdisciplinaire de l’ATSA axé

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