septembre 2014 – Artbridges

Archive for septembre, 2014

Homelessness and Social Inequality: « 10 Years of State of Emergency » Last days of the touring exhibition in Winnipeg!

« The touring exhibition « 10 Years of State of Emergency » organized by ATSA is coming to an end. After visiting nine Cultural Centres in Montreal and travelling to Québec, Drummondville, Trois-Rivières, Frederiction, Vancouver, Calgary, it is visible for a few more days at the Centre Culturel Franco-Manitobain in Winnipeg! About « 10

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Training: working with youth through an arts based approach, Creative Facilitation 1 (Partners for Youth Empowerment, Toronto)

« Join us and Learn: A step-by-step process for setting your program up for success Communication skills that create a safe and supportive environment Ways to increase social and emotional intelligence How to design and deliver effective lessons, workshops and meetings Strategies for engaging resistant group members A toolkit of activities

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New intergenerational art program for women living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias (Elgin – St. Thomas, ON)

We recently learned about a new program created by Krista Schneider called Creating Connections. « It’s an intergenerational program that is designed to create a therapeutic and creative space for women living with Alzheimer’s disease and other dementias to express, connect, experience support and validation and have the opportunity to share their

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Sept. 26-28 Marks the 5th Anniversary Celebration of the Annual Culture Days Weekend (Canada-wide)

« September 26, 27 & 28 marks the 5th Anniversary of the annual Culture Days weekend, a national celebration offering all Canadians from coast-to-coast-to-coast an opportunity to immerse themselves in the exciting behind-the-scenes world of artists, creators, historians and cultural practitioners of all types, regardless of their socio-economic background or experience.

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Profile Highlight: iHuman Youth Society (Edmonton)

As ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory grows, we realize that it’s a bit overwhelming to read through all of the profiles. We’re hoping that by occasionally highlighting some profiles on our blog, you may learn about an initiative that you may not have initially seen in the directory. Also, if you

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Equity in Community Arts Practice (SKETCH Working Arts, Toronto)

« Oppression based on race, ethnicity, creed, class, gender, sexual orientation, gender orientation, immigration status, country of origin, religion, mental health status, age, and ability are systemic in our society. Join us as we collectively define what anti-oppression means and more importantly, how we practice it daily. SKETCH Working Arts provides

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Nuit Blanche Calgary 2014 (Sept. 20)

« Nuit Blanche Calgary is happening on September 20, 2014 with 10 amazing time-based performance art events at Olympic and Municipal Plazas in downtown Calgary – all free to the public, from 7:00PM until 1:00AM, and you’re invited. As you may already know, Nuit Blanche has come to signify a sunset-to-late

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New Community Arts Programming in October: SKETCH (Toronto)

  « What is SKETCH doing right now? SKETCH has officially begun programming at our beautiful new Creative Enterprise Hub at Artscape Youngplace. Our studios continue to be in development, and in the meantime we are running programs such as: Cabinet Academy woodworking Womens’ Songwriting workshops Enviro and culinary arts Visual

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Les Feuilles vives 2014 (Théâtre Action)

« Théâtre Action est une organisation que crée des occasions de rencontre et d’échanges artistiques au sein et entre les secteurs théâtraux. C’est par l’entremise de plusieurs activités et événements que cette organisation assure la présence, le rayonnement et la reconnaissance du théâtre franco-ontarien, de ses artistes, de ses artisans et

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