Archive for juillet, 2016

Community Mural Painting Party (Native Education College & grunt gallery, Vancouver)

« grunt gallery and the Native Education College (NEC) have partnered together to create two new large-scale, full colour murals in celebration of the NEC’s 30th anniversary at their location in Mount Pleasant. Mural #1 – Where the People Are Welcome, led by artist Marissa Nahanee (Squamish & Nisga’a) with Jerry Whitehead (Cree), will be painted on

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CultureShock Community Arts Festival (Aug 12-13, Toronto)

« CultureShock Community Arts Festival ( is a FREE all-ages multi-day festival presented by UrbanArts held in Little Avenue Memorial Park. The 11th annual festival will launch with a Kick-Off event on Thursday August 11th (7 pm) at 19 John Street (Weston Rd. & Lawrence Ave.) with an intimate musical and spoken word performance, as well as an

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Les cinémas autochtones: affirmation culturelle et réconciliation (Montréal)

« Le Wapikoni mobile vous invite à une conférence internationale intitulée Les cinémas autochtones: affirmation culturelle et réconciliation, qui réunira les pionniers et la relève du cinéma et de l’audiovisuel autochtone. Venez échanger avec plusieurs panelistes en provenance de pays tels que le Chili, le Panama, la Bolivie, le Pérou, le Canada

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Art Works: Changing the Conversation About Dementia

« Art invites us to live in the moment, and to connect meaningfully with those around us. This art exhibit aims to shift the conversation about dementia, focusing on relationships, a positive sense of self, and enjoyment of life. The exhibit showcases works of art created by people with dementia, care

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Register Your Culture Days Activity now!

The Summer Registration Promo Blitz is On! Register before July 31 and you could win a free online ad « Register and publish your Culture Days activity by July 31 at midnight EDT, and your community could win* a geo-targeted online ad campaign to promote all the Culture Days activities in your area!

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DAREarts Attawapiskat: Walking for Peace « On National Aboriginal Day, a group of youths from Vezina High School in Attawapiskat First Nation reclaimed their voice by releasing an original music video. Called Walking for Peace, the work addresses, in clear yet powerful language, the youths’ frustration with the ongoing suicide crisis in their community. While

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