Archive for septembre, 2018

Ressource à découvrir | ICASC : L’Art pour le Changement Social Recommandations en Matière de Politiques

ICASC: L’Art pour le Changement Social Recommandations en Matière de Politiques ICASC | Centre international de l’art pour le changement social | Colombie-Britannique | 2018 « Au cours des six dernières années, l’ICASC a mené une étude approfondie du secteur intitulée ASC! Research Project, financée par le Conseil de recherches en

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Workshops: Creating Artists’ Health (Artists’ Health Alliance)

« Creating Artists’ Health are opportunities for artists to work on creative projects with seasoned artist-facilitators and mentors. The programs are discipline-specific intensive workshops that prompt artistic responses to topics in artists’ health. Upcoming programs are: Moving for Meaning, Writing for Wellness and Animating Artists’ Health (juried). » For more information, please visit Artists’ Health Alliance -from Artists’

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Indigenous Arts Projects (Ontario Arts Council)

« The program supports Indigenous (First Nations, Métis, Inuit) artists to research, develop and create new work and engage with their communities, as well as opportunities for Indigenous organizations and communities to strengthen their relationships with the arts. There are two categories: Individuals Ad hoc groups/collectives, organizations Grants help cover the

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Conseils et outils de la ToileDesArts nº 9 : L’essence de la mobilisation communautaire

« ArtBridges/ToileDesArts a demandé à Annalee Adair de nous livrer ses réflexions sur la mobilisation communautaire. Directrice d’A. Adair & Associates, Annalee Adair aide les organismes publics ou à but non lucratif en ce qui a trait à la planification culturelle, l’art public, la mobilisation communautaire et le leadership culturel. Elle collabore

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OnBeat! – Culture Days (September 28-30)

« What are YOU doing for the Culture Days weekend? Culture Days is an annual, national celebration of arts and culture. During the Culture Days weekend – Friday September 28th to Sunday, September 30th – thousands of free events will be taking place in hundreds of cities, towns, First Nations and

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