juillet 2020 – Page 2 – Artbridges

Archive for juillet, 2020

Call for Submissions: Canadian Art in Isolation

« The Canadian Art in Isolation project connects artists with isolated seniors in publicly-funded long-term-care homes to provide artwork for display in common and private rooms. These seniors have felt increased levels of isolation from families and friends and the project was born out of a desire to mitigate these negative

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The Gathering: Online – Anti-Black Racism in the Arts session (Cultural Pluralism in the Arts Movement Ontario, July 16)

The Gathering: Online Anti-Black Racism in the ArtsJuly 16, 2020 | 1-4pm via Zoom  « As a follow-up the panel on Navigating Precairty and ongoing inequities in arts funding for Indigenous, racialized, the deaf and disabled and other marginalized artists and arts organizations, and in this time of seeing the impacts

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Profil à découvrir : La poésie partout

À mesure que notre répertoire de l’art communautaire prend de l’ampleur, nous réalisons qu’il devient un peu lourd de parcourir tous les profils… Nous avons donc pensé qu’en soulignant certains profils dans notre blogue, de temps à autre, nous vous permettrions de découvrir des projets que vous n’auriez pas encore vus. Merci de

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Conversation Report: Community-Engaged Art in times of Physical Distancing (Arts Network Ottawa)

« On Thursday April 16, 2020 Arts Network Ottawa hosted an open forum conversation concerning the work of community-engaged artists in Ottawa amidst and in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. This conversation was an intended first step in coordinating a network of support and collaboration among community-engaged artists and the organizations who support

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