Call to Indigenous Canadian Artists: Public Art Installations on MacDonald Island, Fort MacMurray, AB (Canada-wide)

Call to Indigenous Canadian Artists: Public Art Installations on MacDonald Island, Fort MacMurray, AB (Canada-wide)


« Call to Indigenous Canadian Artists: Four Public Art Installations at the Total Interpretive Walking Trail on MacDonald Island in Fort MacMurray, AB.

Budget: $40,000 CAD (each installation, all inclusive)

Deadline for Submissions: Friday, June 27, 2014 at 5:00 PM

Installation: May, 2015

Background: As part of an initiative to support the development of public art in the Wood Buffalo region the Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo, in partnership with Urban and Rural Indigenous representatives, will be installing seven public art installations on the Total Interpretive Walking Trail, utilizing some of the Indigenous Sacred Teachings as the concept.

The four public art installations at the Total Interpretive Walking Trail, open to Indigenous Canadian Visual Artists, will celebrate the Indigenous people’s culture and heritage in the Wood Buffalo region. Four Indigenous Canadian artists will be selected, and each will create one of the installations.

Artwork Theme: The Indigenous Sacred Teachings represent the spiritual principles and the connection of the Indigenous people with Mother Earth. The teachings selected for this project are: LOVE, RESPECT, COURAGE, HONESTY, WISDOM, HUMILITY, and TRUTH

For more information, please e-mail the Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo:« 

Download the Call to Indigenous Canadian Artists pdf here

NOTE: The Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo is also seeking three Indigenous local visual artists to create three of the seven public art installations. Indigenous people of the Wood Buffalo region include the Dene, Cree and Métis peoples. Today, there are five First Nations communities within the RMWB. They include: Mikisew Cree First Nation, Athabasca Chipewyan First Nation, Fort McKay First Nation, Fort McMurray No. 468 First Nation and Chipewyan Prairie Dene First Nation. Métis peoples are represented by six Métis Locals. Download the Call to Indigenous Local Artists pdf here

Posted with permission from Ana Maria Mendez-Bark, Arts & Culture Manager
Regional Recreation Corporation of Wood Buffalo

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