Curating Disability and Access: Ethics, Pragmatics, Effects with Amanda Cachica (Tangled Art + Disability / Toronto)

Curating Disability and Access: Ethics, Pragmatics, Effects with Amanda Cachica (Tangled Art + Disability / Toronto)

tangled art logo« This presentation will explore the challenges of curating exhibitions that explore disability as its central theme by focusing on a number of recent projects organized by Amanda Cachia. Cachia will also be conducting studio visits through Tangled. If you would like to participate in this and have Cachia offer reflection and feedback on your work, please get in touch with Tangled at:

Thursday, October 23, 7 – 8:30PM
Ryerson University- specific room TBA
(Dundas Station), Toronto

Free, accessible, and open to the public. ASL interpretation provided. For information about accessibility, please contact Tangled Arts at: 647-725-5064 or email:

For more on Amanda Cachia’s work, please visit:
For more on Cachia’s exhibit What Can a Body Do?, please visit: »

-posted with permission from Katie McMillan, Tangled Arts
Read Abilities Arts Festival’s profile in our Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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