šxʷʔam̓ət (home) BC & Alberta Tour (Theatre For Living) – Artbridges

šxʷʔam̓ət (home) BC & Alberta Tour (Theatre For Living)

šxʷʔam̓ət (home) BC & Alberta Tour (Theatre For Living)

« The BC/Alberta tour of šxʷʔam̓ət (home) launched on January 17th in Chilliwack and continues until March 10th!

For tickets and information about the tour, visit our tour itinerary page on our website here.

We are very excited to be touring šxʷʔam̓ət (home) into 21 communities across BC and Alberta and then returning home for 9 final performances at the Firehall Arts Centre in Vancouver. Why tour?

First, šxʷʔam̓ət (home) is terrific theatre. The public response to this project was very powerful. We played to 91% houses and started getting invitations from communities while we were still doing the first run in March of 2017. We also feel that šxʷʔam̓ət (home) asks very important questions about how we navigate Reconciliation between Indigenous and non-Indigenous communities in Canada in true and honourable ways that do not replicate colonial ways of the past and present.

If you are in or near any of the 21 BC/Alberta communities we are visiting, or in Vancouver, please join us. Detailed information can be found here. »

-from Theatre for Living’s website
Read Theatre For Living’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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