Call For Writers: RE:IMAGINE (Culture Days)

Call For Writers: RE:IMAGINE (Culture Days)

« Culture Days is looking for contributors and writers with fresh perspectives and unique stories to share.

The arts emerged as a lifeline of joy, hope and reprieve needed to make it through this past year. Collectively, we’re imagining what a post-pandemic world could look like and how we can each contribute to that picture being brighter. Through that lens, Culture Days has chosen RE:IMAGINE as the very apt 2021 theme. With an understanding that we cannot return to how things were, RE:IMAGINE signals a positive turning point that acknowledges a desire to forge new ideas and break new ground.

The Culture 365 blog is the spot for innovative and inspirational stories of cultural engagement and participation from across the country. This coming year, we’ll be sharing research, ideas, and stories examining the theme: how are artists, creatives, cultural organizations, and institutions contributing to what comes next? What will it take to create a sustainable and fundamentally inspiring industry that champions essential diversity, equity, and inclusion? What impact can this have on the greater public’s perception of arts and culture and its role in society?

It’s your move.

Are you following an artist collective that is RE:MIXING their practice? Know of a young activist that is working to RE:CALIBRATE arts and culture policy in Canada? Has the past year inspired you to pick up an old artistic skill and RE:AWAKEN your creativity?

We’re looking for both English and French pieces running approximately 800-1,000 words, preferably tied to a Canadian context. Culture Days is able to offer a flat fee of $300 CAD, and can work with you to develop your piece. Drop us a line, we’re all ears.

New to the Culture 365 blog? Check out our 2020 blog series here to get a sense of the stories we publish and our style.

Call open until March 12th at 5pm EST. Please email Alyssa Trudeau at alyssa.trudeau[at] with your pitch and 2-3 pieces of previous work. »

For more information, please visit:

-from Culture Days

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