March 23rd, 3:00 – 4:30 PM ET
“Anna’s Story: Family Complications After Loss” is created in collaboration with seniors from Elspeth Heyworth Centre for Women about coping with loss. In the first half of the presentation, you will watch Anna, the protagonist, struggle to find the support she needs to navigate her emotional, financial, and technological needs after the loss of her husband. Then, her story will be presented again – only this second time, you will get the opportunity to suggest changes to result in a positive alternative ending!
This play is scripted and facilitated by Pavla Uppal with support from Elizabeth Wickwire. This play is the culmination of Mixed Company Theatre’s “Resiliency through Virtual Action” project funded by the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility.
Event Details
Presentation Date: Tuesday March 23rd, 2021
Time: 3:00 PM – 4:30 PM (ET)
Price: Free!
Location: Online via Zoom
Registration: Please email communications@mixedcompanytheatre.com to receive the Zoom link for the event
Content Warning: The presentation makes subtle references to suicide.
March 25th and 31st, 10:00- 11:30 AM ET
“COVID Concerns” is created in collaboration with the seniors from Scarborough Centre for Healthy Communities about mental health challenges they are facing during the pandemic. In the first half of this play, you will see how the senior characters in the story become overwhelmed by new technology, fears of contracting COVID-19, and being alienated from loved ones. Then, the story will be presented again – only this second time, you will get the opportunity to suggest changes to result in a positive alternative ending!
Scripted and facilitated by Luciano Iogna with support from Max Cameron Fearon and Lorene Stanwick. This play is the culmination of Mixed Company Theatre’s “Resiliency through Virtual Action” project funded by the Ontario Ministry for Seniors and Accessibility.
Event Details
FREE Interactive Community Plays on Senior Mental HealthDates: Thursday March 25th, Wednesday March 31st
Time: 10:00 – 11:30 AM (ET)
Price: Free!
Location: Online via Zoom (the event link will be sent after registering)
Registration: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/covid-concerns-registration-145558404105 «
For more information, please visit: http://www.mixedcompanytheatre.com/
-from Mixed Company Theatre