« Two-Sided Mirror is an interactive Forum Theatre play written by Catherine Frid. It tells the story of Jim, a father and grandfather, coping with his daughter’s recent cancer diagnosis. As the play progresses, we see Jim trying to navigate his own feelings of depression and suicidality while supporting Marissa and her daughter, Corrine. As it becomes apparent that Marissa’s illness may be terminal, she begins to consider whether a Medically-Assisted Death (MAiD) is right for her. Through the eyes of Marissa, Corrine, and Jim we see a family contending with the realities of MAiD and its implications, through three different viewpoints.
Jim, like many seniors and their families, has complicated feelings surrounding the separate but intertwined issues of depression, suicide, and MAiD in aging communities. Due to issues such as stigma, ageism, and ableism, there are few places where Elders and their loved ones are able to speak about these challenges honestly and candidly.
Two-Sided Mirror is our offer to these communities. We would like to provide folks with an opportunity to have open and frank conversations around these topics. Through these dialogues, our hope is that elders and their families will be able to better support one another if and when these circumstances arise. »
For more information, please visit: https://mixedcompanytheatre.com/hope-and-resilience-in-action/
-from Mixed Company Theatre