« Interested in facilitating art-based workshops for youth and young creatives?
We are looking for enthusiatic Art Facilitators to facilitate art-based workshops for our Beyond the Books, School Engagement Program.
We are looking for facilitators that can lead workshops across the following art mediums;
- Film
- Animation
- Mural Design
- Photography
- Creative Writing
- Dance ( with a focus on Afro Caribbean and hip hop dance )
- Theatre, Acting and Performance
As workshops will be held in person at the physical location of the school, facilitators must be available to commute to schools across the Greater Toronto Area. Short-listed applicants will be contacted for a brief virtual Facilitator Show & Share.
Applications are now open and will be accepted on a rolling basis.«
For more information, please visit: https://niacentre.org/events/call-for-facilitators/
-from Nia Centre for the Arts