« To help engage communities, SaskCulture is offering sponsorships for Culture Days Hubs around the province to support the continued success of Culture Days in Saskatchewan. Sponsorships of up to $5,000 will be determined by community size, the strength of community partnerships and the quality and extent of programs/activities offered. Culture Days Hubs are encouraged to bring together different community partners to host cultural activities and distribute funds accordingly.
Culture Days Hub Sponsorship applications with activities and programming that advance Truth and Reconciliation as part of September 30, the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, will be prioritized.
Applications will be evaluated for their ability to work with two or more community partners to offer cultural experiences. Applicants should adhere to public health measures in place at the time of the scheduled activities.
The sponsorship opportunity is now available! There is no deadline – applications are accepted on a first-come, first-served basis until the sponsorship budget is expended.
Cultural Hub activities should:
- Offer an engaging – whether in-person or online – cultural experience for the public.
- Take place anytime during the Culture Days (September 22 – October 15, 2023).
- Be designed to build a lasting commitment to cultural engagement.
- Be free of charge.
- Include a promotional plan; and
- Adhere to public health measures, should there be any.
Note: Due to the limited amount of funding, sponsorships may not cover all expected expenses. »
For more information, please visit: https://www.saskculture.ca/programs/saskculture-programs/culture-days
-from SaskCulture