A World-building Performance with Multidimensional Beings (Oct 1, online) – Artbridges

A World-building Performance with Multidimensional Beings (Oct 1, online)

A World-building Performance with Multidimensional Beings (Oct 1, online)

« Join us on Zoom for an evening of readings and performances in support of Dr. Syrus Marcus Ware’s solo exhibition Random Access Memory: A Portal to Multidimensions. These beings have travelled through the portal from their far off dimensions to ours with an important message for us. Readings and performances by Jacquelyn Valencia, Tracey Tigwell, Sandy Hudson, Aeshna Ware Huff, and Vanessa Reid, beings from the multiple dimensions surrounding ours.

This event will offer ASL Interpretation by Phoenix the Fire and CART.

Random Access Memory: A Portal to Multidimensions is on at Tangled Art + Disability from now until November 11. In-person and virtual tours are available.

Image description: A banner that reads « A World-building Performance with Multidimensional Beings. October 1, 7-8 PM EST. Register for the Zoom link. ASL + CART provided. » The text is black on a green background. At the top of the banner are portraits of the multidimensional beings, by Dr. Syrus Marcus Ware. The beings are dressed in futuristic styles, and have open, inviting and strong poses. They look at the camera invitingly, excited to share their stories with us. »

For more information, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/a-world-building-performance-with-multidimensional-beings-tickets-427571787727

-from Tangled Art + Disability

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