Call for Canadian Aboriginal Artists: Aboriginal Art Park (Edmonton Arts Council) – Artbridges

Call for Canadian Aboriginal Artists: Aboriginal Art Park (Edmonton Arts Council)

Call for Canadian Aboriginal Artists: Aboriginal Art Park (Edmonton Arts Council)

« The Aboriginal Art Park Public Art Call is open to all Aboriginal artists and artist teams residing in Canada, and is held in accordance with the City of Edmonton policy “Percent for Art to provide and Encourage Art in Public Areas” (C458C). Artworks will in some way ‘tell the stories of this place’ and respond to the land within the Aboriginal Art Park and/or the land in the region through an engaged process with Edmonton’s urban Aboriginal communities, Treaty No. 6 First Nations, Métis local knowledge holders and/or Elders.

This Expression of Interest includes a two-stage selection process. Shortlisted artists will participate in a site visit and workshop with Curator Candice Hopkins, prior to preparing full proposals. There are a total of six (6) opportunities listed in this call. Click here to read the full call, and click here for historical background information.

Total Budget for (six) opportunities: $476,000 CAD (maximum, all inclusive) See page 3.
Deadline for Submissions: 4:30 pm Monday, September 28, 2015
Site Visit/Workshop for shortlisted artists: October 31 –November 1, 2015
Artists Awarded Contracts: February 2016
All Art Installations: Fall 2017

For further information, please contact Dawn Saunders-Dahl / 780.424.2787 ext. 229″

-from Edmonton Arts Council newsletter

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