After the Fire: performance and art activities based on Idle No More interviews (Apr 22-26, Toronto) – Artbridges

After the Fire: performance and art activities based on Idle No More interviews (Apr 22-26, Toronto)

After the Fire: performance and art activities based on Idle No More interviews (Apr 22-26, Toronto)


« April 22-25 7PM
April 25-26 2PM
Performances and art activities

April 24 5PM
Preshow talk with performers on oral history and art making

Directed by Ange Loft
Featuring Cherish Violet Blood, Iehente Foote, Dustin Frank, Rosina Kazi, Gilda Monreal, Simone Schmidt, and Ange Loft

This oral history-based performance responds to interviews collected during the height of the Idle No More movement, weaving text, song, spoken word, and visual art with political, social, and personal calls for change. The project brings together artists, community groups, local residents, and general public through reflective and interactive art activities, with the assistance of Jumblies and SKETCH artists and interns.

After the Fire was created in response to the Idle No More movement, which saw unprecedented mass mobilization against the omnibus budget bill C-45: a bill affecting the Indian Act, the Navigation Protection Act (former Navigable Waters Protection Act), the Environmental Assessment Act, and many more. From November 2012 onward, numerous people rallied, round danced, and raised awareness to stop the Harper government from passing laws and legislation that would further erode treaty rights, Indigenous rights, and the rights of all Canadians.

From January 1st through March 30th, 2013, 20 interviews were collected from academics, activists, artists, youth, and elders, all of whom were asked the same 3 questions: How did we get to this point? What does this moment mean to you? Where do you want to go from here? Their responses form the text of this performance, carrying us toward further discussion, artistic interpretation, and the desire to share. We captured these voices at a point when everyone was still very fired up, and gathered an array of personal positions on the movement and their place within it. We desire to continue this dialogue, extending the legacy of Idle No More but also allowing reflection on the changes that have occurred since. After the fire dies down within a movement, how can we sift through the ashes, find the ember, and reignite the flame?

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132 Fort York Blvd., Toronto ON

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Posted with permission from Ange Loft, Jumblies Theatre / Image artwork by Fiya Bruxa
Read Jumblies’ profile on ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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