« To meet the immediate challenge of COVID 19, the Age Friendly Arts and Culture Symposium – hosted by Museum London and funded by the Ontario Seniors Community Grant Program has moved to an online platform. When you register, you’ll be able to attend one session or all and you’ll receive a link to event.
December 10th 2020, 9:30am to 3:30pm
Building Digital Bridges
Older Adults, Arts and Culture During COVID-19 and Beyond
Who should attend this Symposium?
Those who also wish to explore opportunities for collaboration and the use of technology to engage older adults in arts and cultural programs and online activities during COVID-19 and beyond . Morning and afternoon sessions.
- Municipalities
- Libraries
- Arts and Culture Institutions
- Art Galleries and Community Arts Organizations
- Arts/Health Organizations
- Universities and Colleges
- Arts Instructors and Facilitators
- Community Developers
- Retirement Homes and Seniors Social Housing
- Program and Activity Coordinators
- Tech Support and Services
- Seniors Services Providers
- Interested Older adults and Caregivers »
For more information and the full schedule, please visit: https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/age-friendly-arts-and-culture-symposium-tickets-127197843173
-from Creative Age Network