Announcement: New Simon Fraser University Course « Exploring Arts for Social Change: Communities in Action » (Vancouver)

Announcement: New Simon Fraser University Course « Exploring Arts for Social Change: Communities in Action » (Vancouver)



« ICASC is delighted to offer a new Fall Institute/Special Topics course in Fall 2010: Exploring Arts for Social Change: Communities in Action. This unique initiative is available both as a 400-level credit course in collaboration with Simon Fraser’s Faculty of Education and for non-credit learners through Continuing Studies. Join us at SFU Harbour Centre this fall!

Exploring Arts for Social Change: Communities in Action

When the realities of experience connect with the power of metaphor and imagination, new insights are created. Innovative and constructive action becomes possible. Artists are impacting the lives of individuals, organizations and whole communities, creating new forms of dialogue, insight and positive change in diverse contexts around the world. With the use of specialized methods in performance, visual and media arts, these arts practices enable us to imagine and pursue the changes we wish to see in our own lives and in the world around us. Much of this work takes place in non-arts contexts such as in health promotion, medical training and research, in conflict resolution, business innovation, in the justice system, as part of environmental strategies and in human rights work, with youth, elders, in cross-cultural, inter-generational work, as well as in many forms of education. Making art creates a transformative form of cultural democracy in which innovation and hope is created through the lens of the imagination.

Who should take this course?
We encourage anyone interested in the arts as vehicles for positive social and economic change to join us. Exploring Arts for Social Change: Communities in Action will provide information, connect you with others with similar interests and encourage you to reflect in innovative and creative ways. It is not necessary to have professional arts experience. Participants will connect with senior practitioners in dialogues and workshops, view videos, read and discuss relevant texts, as well as write and create art, themselves.

Activities will include:
• Examining the challenges of working with diverse communities: building and sustaining community-arts partnerships: cross-sector, cross-discipline and institutional partnerships (e.g. outreach strategies, setting goals, clarifying process, copyright issues, cultural translation)
• Dialogue practices including facilitation techniques
• Workshops with participating faculty and visiting community-based artists
• Creation of a small-scale arts project through an experiential process based on issues in students’ own neighbourhoods

For 3 credits:
Course number: EDUC 496-3
Principal Instructors: Dr. Lynn Fels & Dr. Judith Marcuse
Dates: Sept 8 – Dec 1 (12 weeks)
Time: Wednesdays, 6:30 to 9.20pm
Location: SFU Harbour Centre, Room TBA
Telephone: 778-782-8850 or 778-782-5201

For non-credit students:
Fee: $450 + HST
Email: or
Telephone: 778-782-8850 or 778-782-5201

For more information about course content or other details, please visit or phone 778-782-8850. » (from Judith Marcuse)

jmpsfu-logoICASC c/o SFU Centre for Dialogue
3305 – 515 West Hastings St
Vancouver, BC V6B 5K3
P: 604 319 8436

Please see ArtBridges’ Google Map for contact information.

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