Art Happening Bridgewater’s June Online Open Mic (via video conference) music, poetry, dance, juggling, storytelling, etc. (NS) – Artbridges

Art Happening Bridgewater’s June Online Open Mic (via video conference) music, poetry, dance, juggling, storytelling, etc. (NS)

Art Happening Bridgewater’s June Online Open Mic (via video conference) music, poetry, dance, juggling, storytelling, etc. (NS)

« In the age of physical distancing, Art Happening Bridgewater will once again help keep us socially connected by offering June’s Open Mic, as a video conference via the Zoom platform. We’d ask both performers and audience to register in advance and we will then send you the zoom invite at 5 pm on June 12. You don’t need a zoom account to participate. Toll call in number avaialble for folks with slow or no internet.

June’s Online Open Mic date is Friday June 12, from 7-9 pm.

We had a great turn out in April and May of both preformers and audience. Remeber: All acts of awesome are welcome: music, poetry, dance, juggling, story telling, etc. Please remember we have an intergenerational audience often with some young children present. Depending on numbers of performers, you may be limited to 10 minutes. »

For more information and to register, please visit:

-from Art Happening Bridgewater

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