Art with Heart: Improving mental and physical health through original photography (ON & Canada-wide) – Artbridges

Art with Heart: Improving mental and physical health through original photography (ON & Canada-wide)

Art with Heart: Improving mental and physical health through original photography (ON & Canada-wide)

artwithheart-photos-sampling1Art with Heart
Improving mental and physical health through original photography
(Toronto, ON)

« Art with Heart is a pending non-profit organization that started up in April 2014 by three grade 12 students. We are dedicated individuals who seek to improve the mental and physical health of those in hospitals, retirement homes, or other areas of need through original photography.


Our passion to give back to our local and global community is what inspired this initiative. The first project was completed at Fudger House, a City of Toronto nursing home, where we donated a hand-made photo book filled with our personal photographs. The success of the book at creating conversation and strengthening bonds between the residents and volunteers is what prompted us to run an Indiegogo campaign. The goal of this campaign was to raise $1000, not only for more photobooks, but also to keep our website running and paying for applications to certify Art with Heart as an official charity under the Canadian government.

By December 2014, we raised $1815. This money went towards making thirty full-colour photo books, which will be donated to establishments in and outside of Toronto. The rest of the money went towards funding our other projects. This included printing six photobooks for the Mishkeegogamang First Nations community, in an effort to improve the mental health of the people there. Northern Canada has some of the longest, darkest winters, as well as a lack of electricity and running water on some reserves, and therefore some of the highest mental health and suicide rates in the world, especially among youth. As a result, we picked 20 of our most uplifting and inspiring photos, and coupled each one with a word that conveys a positive emotion.

Our most recent project was printing two large photo plaques for the Sexual Assault Centre of Hamilton’s silent auction. We hope that our contribution will help SACHA raise money to support survivors of sexual assault, and spread awareness about this issue. We are looking forward to completing more projects like this in the future, to further support our community.

Art with Heart’s final goal is to expand our horizons beyond Toronto, and impact others on a global scale. If you are interested in what we have done, or would like to learn more, feel free to visit us at You can also email us at »  –Eva, Gabrielle, and Jennifer


-post and photos submitted by Art with Heart
Read Art with Heart’s profile in ArtBridges’ Community-Engaged Arts Directory and Map

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