ArtHeart is Expanding! Help spread the word! (Toronto) – Artbridges

ArtHeart is Expanding! Help spread the word! (Toronto)

ArtHeart is Expanding! Help spread the word! (Toronto)


« ArtHeart is expanding with two new programs! Help spread the word!

As a result of the recent Regent Park revitalization and to accommodate new senior residents that have moved into the community, ArtHeart has launched a Seniors’ Arts Program for individuals ages 55 and older. The weekly program consists of one three-hour workshop from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm with 20 – 25 participants attending each workshop. Art classes will focus on diverse creative techniques including sewing, crocheting, painting, drawing, lino-printing, bead work, and more. Seniors’ Arts will provide seniors with opportunities to feel welcome and included in their community while being creative and active.

The second program PROJECT KIDS & CAMERAS! is a unique photography workshop designed for Regent Park kids in Grades 3-8. Capture the HEART of Regent Park with digital cameras, journal entries, and photographs you print in class! Project will culminate in a community-wide photo exhibit/celebration at the Daniels Spectrum showcasing the participants’ photographs and writings. »

-submitted by ArtHeart
Read ArtHeart’s profile on ArtBridges’  Community-Engaged Arts Directory & Map

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