ArtHeart awarded the OAEA Community Art Educator of the Year today! – Artbridges

ArtHeart awarded the OAEA Community Art Educator of the Year today!

ArtHeart awarded the OAEA Community Art Educator of the Year today!


Congratulations to Judy Fournier and ArtHeart Community Art Centre (ArtHeart) for being awarded the Ontario Art Education Association (OAEA) Community Art Educator of the Year!

The OAEA is the provincial art teachers association for Ontarioartheartlogo and these awards « honour excellence in teaching as well as leadership and contributions to art education. The award winners were chosen by an adjudicator who is not part of the OAEA executive. » (OAEA)

ArtHeart, a Founding Member of ArtBridges, has been a « stabilizing presence in the community of Regent Park. They provide free visual arts education, programs, materials and a nutritious meal to children, youth, adults and seniors living in Regent Park and the surrounding neighbourhoods for over two decades. »

The Awards Ceremony is this Thursday, February 12th at 7:30 pm. At Artscape Youngplace (180 Shaw St. Toronto, Flex studios, main floor).

For more information about ArtHeart, visit the following links: website | blogetsy | facebook »


-submitted by ArtHeart
Read ArtHeart’s profile on ArtBridges’  Community-Engaged Arts Directory & Map

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