« Curious about how you can improve your evaluation processes? Interested in identifying what kinds of data can tell the story of your program’s impact and legacy?
Evaluation not only provides tools to understand, measure, and track the intended outcomes and impact of our programs, it also helps to understand the diverse needs of the communities we serve and how we can better prepare ourselves to meet those needs in the future. Surveys, storytelling, and art-based activities are some of the powerful evaluation tools that, when used correctly, can not only demonstrate the benefits of our work but help us improve the program to deliver more impactful youth programs.
This interactive workshop will provide an overview of conducting program evaluation in the youth-serving sector. It will explore creative strategies and tools for collecting data and sharing it with others, moving evaluation beyond reporting requirements to truly strengthen programming. »
For more information, please visit: https://www.artreach.org/workshops and https://www.eventbrite.ca/e/evaluation-101-workshop-tickets-440386737587
-from ArtReach