ArtReach Evaluation and Report Writing 101 Workshop (Toronto)

ArtReach Evaluation and Report Writing 101 Workshop (Toronto)


« Are you running a project or program in your community? Wondering about the best ways to evaluate your activities to get statistics and feedback about the effectiveness and success of your work? And how to use all the information you collected to write a report that people will read?

Evaluation is an important, but sometimes overlooked, part of our work in communities. Surveys, stories, art-based activities, and statistics are just some of the powerful evaluation tools we can use to measure the impacts of what we do, and to improve programs. Creating a report of your evaluation results will help you to communicate the benefits of our work to your communities, funders, and donors.

In this interactive workshop we will examine the process of evaluation, connecting it directly to the visions and goals of our own programs, and explore creative strategies and tools for collecting the right data and sharing it with others. Workshop participants will look into different ways of measuring the impacts and successes of their own programs, try out some evaluation techniques, see examples of creative reports, and will be provided with resources to help them get started right away.

Fiona Scott Evaluation Consultant

Date: Thursday June 23rd, 2016
Time: Registration/food at 5:30pm; workshop start time 6:00pm
Note: This workshop is open to youth (13 to 29 yrs). Space for this workshop is limited so register today! Food and refreshments will be provided
When: Thursday, 23 June 2016 from 5:30 PM to 9:00 PM (EDT)
Where: Scarborough Civic Centre – 150 Borough Drive, Toronto, ON M1P 4N7″

Register here!

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