ArtReach: Free Youth Workshop (Feb 27, Toronto) – Artbridges

ArtReach: Free Youth Workshop (Feb 27, Toronto)

ArtReach: Free Youth Workshop (Feb 27, Toronto)


Free Youth Workshop
Exploring Self Care and Community Care
Wednesday Feb. 27, 2013 (6-9pm)

« Join ArtReach in a conversation about community care, self-care and burnout in community-based work and our work with young people. Through panel discussions and arts-based activities, we will identify different ways oppression and stress impacts individuals and communities; and share tools we can use to name and begin to address stress, burnout and trauma at a personal, community and institutional levels. Be a part of this dialogue and help us identify priorities and recommendations for developing future workshops and resources on these topics. Leave the session with insights and strategies to help prevent burnout and support your overall health and wellness.

This workshop is designed for young people who may have questions around how they can develop personal strategies for taking care of themselves and their peers when running projects in their communities. It is also a space for young people to begin thinking about these issues for future projects.

Alana Lowe (Artist / Activist)

Ameera McIntosh (Youth / Youth Outreach Worker)
Ana Skinner (Research / Funder)
Farrah Khan (Counselor / Advocate)
Franz Thomas (Youth Outreach Worker)
Neemarie Alam (Frontline Partners with Youth Network)
Tess Vo (Supervisor, Griffin Centre)

Date: Feb. 27, 2013
Location: Metro Hall, 55 John Street, Room 308
Time: 5:30pm: Registration | 6:00pm – 9:00pm: Workshop

*Food and refreshments will be provided.

South-east corner of King and John, two blocks east of Spadina. Take subway to St. Andrew station, then walk through the « PATH » to Metro Hall or walk above ground 2 blocks west. »

-submitted by Shahina Sayani, Director, ArtReach Toronto

Read our ArtBridges profile on ArtReach Toronto here.
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